The Official Website of Dr. Wilson

About Dr. Wilson

Dr. Wilson holds advanced degrees in Fitness and certifications in nutrition, detoxification and advanced spinal rehabilitation. He served on the Wellness Advisory Council for USA Wrestling in 2016 when he traveled to Rio for the Olympics as one of the official team chiropractors. Dr. Wilson graduated with his B.S. in Kinesiology from Indiana University, is a life-long Hoosier basketball fan, has three children and has been married to his high-school sweetheart since 2008.

Dr. Wilson’s Story: As a personal trainer, I was supposed to be the expert on health. I was teaching people how to eat, writing workout programs, I was 6% body fat and could run a 4:50 mile–not bad for this former wrestler with bowed legs. One day I started having digestive issues that would cause me to run to the restroom sometimes ten and fifteen times per day. I did what most men do when they have health issues: nothing. I ignored the problem until I started getting blood in the stool that didn’t stop. I tried to downplay my problems but one day the problems became too much and I ended up in the hospital talking to doctors about my symptoms. Here I am, not even 20 years old talking to doctors about unexplained blood in the stool. It felt like I was in a tailspin that I was hoping was temporary and that I would land on my feet and get back to normal life. But after running the tests, I learned that my condition wasn’t going to simply self resolve. The doctors first thought I had a parasite. And then they believed it to be Ulcerative Colitis. And then it was Crohn’s disease. The generic label of ‘Inflamed Bowel Disease” is where we finally landed. They sent me home with a script for multiple medications and told me that I would need to take the pills daily. When talking with my family, I tried to minimize the problem. I would say things like, “It’s not a big deal, I’ll be fine” but I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The only solutions I was getting from the medical community were more medications and my health felt like it was declining at a young age. I felt let down by “healthcare.” I put the word “healthcare” in quotes because they weren’t interested in my health restoration. They were more interested in “managing” my symptoms with pharmaceutical interventions. It was at this time that I had dinner with my father-in-law and his business partner, JT and was introduced to a different health paradigm. In casual conversation, JT was ranting about his doctor. He said that his doctor believes that the body is capable of self-healing, that the body didn’t need drugs to heal, it just needed no interference. This doctor believes that proper nutrition is essential and he even teaches his patients and community at workshops and seminars. This doctor believes that exposure to toxic chemicals is a significant source of interference and even helped his patients to detox and restore the gut. He talked about his doctor as if the guy was some up and coming rockstar who everyone needed to hear. To say that I was intrigued would be an understatement. I had never heard anyone talk about a doctor in this way and without consciously knowing it, this was the approach to health for which I had been searching. 

Thomas Edison once said, “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

The inspiration for my practice and career is the journey I took to leave traditional “healthcare”, get healthy, and use that same approach to help thousands of people to transform their life too. My mission is to fundamentally change the way people view and manage their health and empower you to experience true health freedom.

I am a chiropractor, health freedom advocate and love helping people walk in their purpose. I’ve been married to my high-school sweetheart since 2008 and we have three amazing children together.


Check out these top resources that infuse wellness and perseverance into the hearts of the people.

Doctor of Chiropractic

Restructured Chiropractic


Stand For Health Freedom

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Health Freedom & Ask Dr Wilson


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This Posture Increases Heart-Related Deaths by 44%

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This Posture Increases Heart-Related Deaths by 44%

Having a Neurospinal Chiropractor on your healthcare team to maintain nervous system health is no longer just a theory, it is a proven necessity. One of the most effective ways to understand this perspective begins with looking at the devastating effects a bad spine...

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